I was browsing through this website which i think was pretty useful for us all (especially as we age, u know). It's a short article about the food consumption we should take note & not take for granted, in getting away from the common "A" sickness, the "Alzheimer".
The article mentioned about 5 ways to get rid of A sickness, but i somehow didnt really get the 3rd point. But i was really amazed when i read point no.4 in the article, especially on the studies made in Singapore. What it mentioned somehow sounds crazy, absurd, it can make u go HU?H, but do give the article a read, and see if you have the same opinion with me (well, i must say there's a loud HU?H from myself after reading it).
So after this, eat less char kuey teow/ fried rice which plainly gives us short term satisfaction but lack of so much nutrients. At least, i know, it definitely won't help much in skipping the A sickness.
The Whimsical World of Tim Burton in London
1 week ago
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