You are Guess Support No.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A surprise for me

Before TW came back from outstation, i texted 'im to say, "We have not been dating for a while. We need to do something nice when u return."

And we did. TW said he was gonna give a surprise to us.

"All you need is to just dress your best".

Good. Surprises are nice and boosts your happy hormones level once a while.

So much of dressing my best, I think I slighlty over-dressed. The only hint I got from him was to wear socks. Bowling? Must be already. We haven't been bowling lately and he has been complaining bout it. Cuz he can... bowl, n he must hv missed putting those pins Down... brr.

Wrong guess, guys. And I only got to guess the surprise correctly when we were on our way to the place. Who will guess that it would be Ice Skating...?! GREAT.

1st, I got the pants part right but I wore a less thick clothing for a cold place today. 2nd, my period is not fully over lar-h. 3rd, it's an old game of ours since 2-3yrs ago!

I tried negotiating wif him, Let's go shopping lar-h, I need a new office skirt. My idea was not working. Let's play bowling instead of a challenging game like skating lar-h. Plus, only so few skater-s. Not working either. Fine. Ice skating, as planned.

I skate badly. Could barely move to the other end. He, as usual, glide his way on the ice without much effort. Damn. What happened to my skills previously when I could glide all I want, without panicking on how to stop/ fall?

My fear level in me got less, until the next 0.5hr, when I wanted to slow down and bam, I collided onto him, and got my 1st fall. Buuu... at me. Was like a helpless baby when I wanted to lift myself up again. Buuu... at me for the 2nd time on that.

On the 2nd session, I felt my left ankle hurt a bit. Until not long later, it came to a point that every hit of my left leg on the ice, there was a continuos sharp pain on my ankle.

"Let's take a break", TW says.

"Yeah, I need that."

Cuz every move was an unavoidable pain. I checked and only to notice, I got my ankle blistered. GREAT. Now I counldn't even skate for the day. Bad bad bad.

I ended up observing TW skating from the outer rest area. Luckily all that happened after I got to skate a while, like for an hour.

At least I go against my fear to skate after 2 yrs, and glide as much as I could. I hope my next glide would be a better one.

Kimora Ivy Leong


Keat Eu said...

Long since I last skate, during those days, i could spend most of my time clinging on the rail.

i ll be happy just to manage a circle around someone blocking my way when i glide along the rail.

Kimora-Ivy-Leong said...

I know what u mean about going in circles around someone. Yeah, that;s superbly pro to be able to do so.

Why not u start practising on there?

Keat Eu said...

not full circle tho. Semi circle around someone standing beside the rail.

i am better sleeping at home during those cold days. haha.

sakura said...

pao pao, i wanna skate too, hehe..

it's a good experience s u both do r doing s'thing nice :)

nv mind the falls, practise makes perfect~