Yesterday was my last day of leave before I return to the desk place at office after a good looong break for Xmas and New Year. Hmm, I wonder if Kakak has spring cleaned our desk for us during New Year. If yes, surely our documents go haywired again (last year, I almost thought I lost my document after searching for few days, then I found it at the area where I plan to throw the unwanted papers! Sigh... Cannot claim for OT time for searching high n low for the docs also. Bigger sighhh...)
Anyways, let;s forget about office stories first. So it was my precious few more hours before I headed to bed. And I was hoping of doing something beneficial that afternoon. Can't be waiting whole afternoon for Tw at condo doing nothing, right? And wah... , suddenly I felt so bersemangat. So drove home to condo fast-fast, changed to my lightest shirt and shorts and headed right to the gym session yesterday. No wait, did some house sweeping before that... otherwise, I'd feel more guilty cuz I didn't sweep for weeks/months... ;-/.
Then I found out the nearest block B treadmill has been spoilt for like ages. So irritated. Owners pay maintenance fee also dunno for what use... besides having new touch up paintings on the condo walls. Because of that, I went from block C to B then to A to find my old 'friend'. The one and only treadmill to be shared by over hundreds of residents. And so the 'precious' treadmill I named it. Walk for almost 5mins. Ok good. No need to warm up already.
Registered only then I found out there was someone else earlier & more bersemangat than me, happily using my precious treadmill. Wth. Nvm. Give face. So while waiting, did some cycling stroke side weight pushings (or any better name u can call it;P). Panting but wth, still need to wait for my treadmill. If not look stupid in front of the guy. Give face again ;-p. So continued cycling till I forgot time.
When he stopped the treadmill speed, which I continue to forget the time on how long I waited for the precious treadmill, he indicated to pass to me the treadmill. Finally. But I think I didnt forget something. That I smiled less friend-lish to him than I normally do to others. Cuz cycled and weight pushed too much while waiting for him till I was tired already. Hu huu... I think I spent the most time in that day's gym session. Not on exercising but waiting for my turn on the precious treadmill. Huhuu... .
My stamina was low @ beginning. So low that I felt like stopping at 2.5mins of running. Wth. So I made a deal with myself. If do treadmill above previous record of 10min, I will get what I wanna do later that night. N guess what, I did 10(+1min) and had my supper @ mamak that night itself! Wah, that means, gone larh all my running effort that afternoon... .
Nevermind, next round do more runnings. Today woke up to work, both left, right muscle thighs felt painful. Hand muscles also ached. And the pain still stays till now. Sigh. But at least I got the chance to use the precious treadmill. For all the energy in me to gym, it finally had a start, and the progress is still miles away... . Wah, can't believe I wrote such a long story out of gyming! ;-D
Ps. Oh, and before I forget, Happy New Tiger Year, people (I hope I got the Tiger Year correct)! And watch out for Chinese New Year soon... !
Rgds, Phing
The Whimsical World of Tim Burton in London
1 week ago
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